What can we do for you?
Central Information Point provides entrepreneurs, individuals, NGO’s, public institutions and other entities interested in getting or properly spending EU funds with information on the following topics:
- how to properly get a EU project accounted, i.e.:
• how to prepare financial documents
• how to run project’s documentation
• how to prepare yourself for the control
• what are the main rules for the project’s proper implementation
- whether your project may be financed from the UE programmes and under what conditions
- what are the main rules for the project’s proper preparation
- where, when and how to apply for a grant
- how to find a project financed from the UE
- what the public-private partnership is about
Our consultants provide information about the following programmes:
- Innovative Economy
- Infrastructure and Environment
- Human Capital
- Development of Eastern Poland
- Regional ones
- European Territorial Co-operation ones
What’s more?
In addition to our basic activity - consulting, we deal with many other matters, e.g.:
- We organize information sessions about the Funds. Usually held in our office but we are also open to cooperation with other entities and conducting meetings in other places.
- We participate in conferences, meetings and events related to the EU funds, such as the Forum of European Funds.
- We distribute publications on the European Funds topic. In our office you will find publications published by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and other institutions involved in the EU funds implementation in Poland.
Where and how can you contact us?
There are a few forms of contact with our consultants: by phone, by e-mail, by appointment, by post.
Currently we work at 3/5 Żurawia St. in Warsaw. We are opened 6 days a week – from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 18.00 and on Saturdays from 10.00 to 14.00.
Ph. + 48 22 626 06 32, + 48 22 626 06 33, + 48 22 745 05 46
Fax: + 48 22 201 97 25
mail: punktinformacyjny@cpe.gov.pl
web: www.cpe.gov.pl/cpi and www.funduszeeuropejskie.gov.pl/punkty
CIP Manager:
Przemyslaw Lewandowski
Ph. + 48 22 378 31 75
mail: przemyslaw.lewandowski@cpe.gov.pl
Performance standards
When contacting us, you can expect quick and efficient response from our side:
- For email questions we respond within 3 business days. If the answer takes more than 3 days, we notify the person concerned.
- We have records on the premises of direct consultation in our office - waiting time for consultation should not exceed 3 working days and average time on direct consultation lasts 30 minutes.
How to prepare for the meeting
We highly recommend you preparing for a meeting/consultation with our consultants. You may find it useful to consider several issues related to your project:
I. Project in preparation:
1. Who intends to apply for funding?
- person who wants to start a business
- company (within what industry it operates, what is the number of employees)
- non-governmental organization
- public administration institution
- cultural institution
- farmer
- research institution
- an individual
- college/university
- unit of general education
- other (what entity?)
2. In which region it will be implemented, whether it is rural or urban area?
3. Give us a brief description of the project.
4. What is the estimated cost of the project?
II. Project under implementation:
1. Under what program/measure the project is implemented?
2. What is the number and date of the call for proposals the project was given the grant?
3. Who carries out the project? (e.g., company, foundation, association, public entity)
4. Where do you carry out the project? (region, whether it is a town or rural area)
5. What is the problem we can help you solve?
Central Information Point is run by the Centre for European Projects and operates within the project of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development "Information System of the European Funds for the years 2007 - 2013". Its purpose is to coordinate and develop the network of information points in Poland, which offers information about all of the National Cohesion Strategy programs in one place.
The project is financed with the resources of European Regional Development Fund (Technical Assistance Operational Programme) and the resources of the state budget.