The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) continues and broadens the cooperation in the border zone areas of the three countries, which so far has been developed within the framework of the Neighbourhood Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine INTERREG IIIA / Tacis CBC 2004–2006.
The core objective of the programme is support for cross-border development processes. The programme objectives are realised through non-commercial projects implemented within the following priorities and measures:
Priority 1. Increasing competitiveness of the border area:
- Measure 1.1. Better conditions for entrepreneurship
- Measure 1.2. Tourism development
- Measure 1.3. Improving access to the region
Priority 2. Improving the quality of life:
- Measure 2.1. Natural environment protection in the borderland
- Measure 2.2. Efficient and secure borders
Priority 3. Networking and people-to-people cooperation:
- Measure 3.1. Regional and local cross-border cooperation capacity building
- Measure 3.2. Local communities' initiatives
Programme implementation period: starting from November 6 th 2008 (the date of Programme endorsement by European Commission, decision K(2008)6411) till December 31 st 2016.
Contracting period – till December 31 st 2013
All activities within Project must be completed till December 31 st 2014
All payments, Programme ex-post evaluation and the final report must be completed till the end of 2016.
Total Programme budget: 202,9 million EUR , including 186,2 million EUR - EU co-financing.
Potential beneficiaries of the Programme are local and regional authorities, non-profit organizations, public institutions, euroregions, and other institutions which implement non-profit projects consistent with the Programme priorities.
Co-ofinancing rate.
Up to 90% of eligible cost of an approved project could be co-financed by the programme sources.
The programme area:
Projects can be of three types :
• integrated projects, where partners carry out part of the actions of a joint project for their respective side of the border
• symmetrical projects, where similar activities are carried out in parallel on both sides of the border
• simple projects with a cross-border effect, taking place mostly or exclusively on one side of the border but for the benefit of both partners
• the project has to include cross - EU border partnership, i.e. it should be submitted jointly by beneficiaries of Poland and of Belarus or Ukraine
• the project has to be implemented in the programme area and investment activities (infrastructure) may be implemented only in the cooperation areas
• the total value of activities financed in the adjacent cooperation areas may not be higher than 20% of total programme budget
• the integrated projects are prioritised and encouraged
• the environmental sustainability (projects with serious negative impact on environment cannot receive funding within the programme and positive environmental impact is taken into account in the evaluation process).
For each project, a lead partner (beneficiary) shall be appointed by all partners among themselves before submitting the project application. The lead partner (beneficiary) is a body which submits the project application, which signs a grant contract with the Joint Managing Authority and which assumes full legal and financial responsibility for project implementation vis-à-vis that authority.
The lead partner shall lay down the arrangements for its relations with the partners participating in the project in the partnership agreement comprising, provisions guaranteeing the sound financial management of the funds allocated to the project, including the arrangements for recovering amounts unduly paid.
Tendering procedures
Tendering procedures at the level of projects depend on the nationality of the beneficiary (lead partner) or of the partner launching the tender. Beneficiaries (lead partners) and partners based in Poland have to comply with Polish law on public procurement as compliant with Community directives applicable to procurement procedures. Beneficiaries (lead partners) and partners based in Belarus and Ukraine have to comply with Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC external actions.
The detailed information concerning the Call for Proposals is presented in Guidelines for grant applicants (including additional documents). The minimum period for project submission is 90 days since the Call for Proposals launching.
All applicants may submit questions in writing up to 21 days before the deadline for submission of projects proposals. The answers must be sent at least 11 days before the deadline for receipt of projects proposals.
Only projects with the minimum threshold are taken into consideration for possible financing
Project implementation:
• Beneficiary and project partners implement activities planned in the project description in accordance with the grant contract
• PRAG rules are applicable in the fields of reporting and financial flows.
• Beneficiaries must draw up interim reports and a final report. These reports shall consist of activity and financial sections
• For the purpose of appropriate project monitoring, the beneficiary is obliged to submit quarterly reports on project implementation.
Joint structures and competent authorities
• Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC)
• Joint Managing Authority (JMA) – Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
• Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) within the State Budgetary Unit Centre for European Projects
• Branch Offices in Lviv and Brest.
Priority 1. Increasing competitiveness of the border area
The focus of Priority 1 is on actions promoting and supporting better conditions for entrepreneurship, tourism development and transport connectivity.
Measure 1.1. Better conditions for entrepreneurship
Measure 1.1 aims at improving the conditions for business development. Improvement of the quality and accessibility of infrastructure, including new technologies infrastructure, contributes to increasing the area's investment attractiveness, for both internal and external investors. Measure 1.1 also promotes soft-type activities aimed at the socio-economic development of the eligible area. Support is provided for activities targeting among others: regional marketing, trade and investment promotion, SME development, the development of local and regional labour markets, the development of an information society, new technologies, improvement of cooperation between research and business institutions, the socio-economic and environmental rehabilitation of technologically transformed and contaminated areas
Measure 1.2. Tourism development
The main goal of Measure 1.2 is to improve and fully utilise the tourist potential of the region. The programme area has potential for tourism development, including agro-tourism, due to various natural environmental conditions and cultural heritage sites , but tourist infrastructure requires improvement. Support is therefore focused on the development of tourist infrastructure and services. Measure 1.2 also promotes “soft” activities targeting inter alia: regional promotion, tourism and agro-tourism development and the protection of cultural heritage.
Measure 1.3. Improving access to the region
The geographical location of the programme area has advantages in terms of the development potential for transport and this might contribute substantially to its economic development, but existing transport and border infrastructure needs upgrading. Therefore, activities supported within Measure 1.3 include improvements in the quality and accessibility of the social and economic infrastructure, with a focus on transport, energy, logistic systems, transport safety and water supply.
Priority 2. Improving the quality of life
The focus of Priority 2 is on management of environmental threats and actions promoting sustainable economic use of natural resources, development of renewable energy sources and energy saving, as well as increasing the efficiency of border infrastructure and procedures and improving border security.
Measure 2.1. Natural environment protection in the borderland
Measure 2.1 aims at protecting and improve the quality of the natural environment. Improvement of the quality of the natural environment contributes to increasing inhabitants' living standards as well as boosting the area's tourist and investment attractiveness. This goal will be achieved mainly through investment in environmental infrastructure for regional or local impact and the improvement of cross-border cooperation on environmental protection.
Measure 2.2. Efficient and secure borders
Measure 2.2 has the objective of increasing the efficiency of border infrastructure and procedures and to improve border security. A higher throughput capacity at border crossing points and their security are critical for the achievement of the programme's objectives. In order to better utilise and expand the social and economic potential within the programme area, it is necessary to alleviate the administrative, institutional and infrastructural obstacles to the free movement of goods, services and people across borders.
Priority 3. Networking and people-to-people cooperation
The focus of Priority 3 is on actions promoting and supporting cross-border cooperation in terms of institutional capacity building as well as local initiatives supporting people-to-people cooperation.
Measure 3.1 mainly supports the creation of permanent cooperative structures among the local and regional organisations and institutions so as to enhance the cross-border cooperation capacity. Sustainable social and economic development of the Polish-Belarusian-Ukrainian border region is only possible when the area's local communities cooperate in as many areas as possible on a regular basis (Measure 3.2). Projects implemented under this priority aims at enhancing various aspects of institutional co-operation with a particular focus on local and regional authorities, the business and scientific community, culture, education, and the labour market, as well as addressing common challenges of sustainable social and economic development. Effective cross-border cooperation leading to the integration of the local communities is the programme's greatest contribution. Within Priority 3, it is also be possible to implement projects covering the preparation of plans and studies leading to the implementation of common initiatives.
Measure 3.2. Local communities' initiatives
The overall objective is the social, scientific, educational and cultural integration of the border area. Within the scope of Measure 3.2, it is intended to support citizens' cross-border contacts and social initiatives, scientific and educational cooperation, and cultural and sporting events. Cross-border cooperation between schools and higher education institutions , including exchanges of students, pupils, teachers and scientists, and conferences and scientific seminars, is supported. Support is also provided for projects directed towards the development of social initiatives, cultural and sports events. Projects aimed at the promotion and cultivation of the common traditions of the borderland areas is also eligible for assistance. Favourable conditions are created with a view to facilitating mutual contacts between bordering communities. Assistance is also planned for projects concerning cultural diversity and national minorities, as well as the development of the civil society and local communities in its broader sense.
Branch Offices
The competences of branch offices includes the following tasks implemented under the supervision of the JMA and JTS:
• the implementation of the information and communication plan
• support in the organisation of the meetings of the Joint Monitoring Committee
• collection of data to improve the monitoring of projects
• other tasks supporting JMA and JTS in their day-to-day implementation of the programme.
The branch office in Belarus is located in Brest, in Ukraine in Lviv.
Joint Managing Authority
Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
Department of Certification and Designation
2 Mysia st.
00-496 Warsaw
Tel. 0-22 273 74 50
Fax 0-22 273 89 06