The Lithuania-Poland-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 continues and broadens the cooperation in the border area of the three states that has hitherto been conducted within the framework of the INTERREG IIIA/Tacis CBC 2004-2006 Lithuania-Poland-Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation Neighbourhood Programme.
The main goal of the Programme is to support cross-border development processes. The Programme goal will be performed through non-commercial projects within the scope of the following Priorities and Measures:
Priority 1. Contributing to solving common problems and challenges
- Measure 1.1. Sustainable use of environment
- Measure 1.2. Accessibility improvement
Priority 2. Pursuing social, economic and spatial development
- Measure 2.1. Tourism development
- Measure 2.2. Development of human potential by improvement of social conditions, governance and educational opportunities
- Measure 2.3. Increasing competitiveness of SMEs and development of the labour market
- Measure 2.4 Joint spatial and socio-economic planning
Horizontal priority related to the development of cooperation among local communities
Programme duration: from programme approval by the EC (i.e. 17 December 2008) to 31 December 2016.
All projects must be contracted not later than by 31 December 2013.
All actions within the scope of the projects must end by 31 December 2014.
The financial closure of all contracts, ex-post programme evaluation, submission of final report to the EC and final payment from the EC must take place not later than on 31 December 2016.
Support area of the programme
The total budget of the programme for 2007-2013 amounts to EUR 144 m (EUR 132.1 m from EU funds).
Potential applicants / beneficiaries of the programme:
- local and regional authorities
- central institutions responsible on behalf of regional and local institutions for the implementation of public tasks at the regional/local level
- non-governmental and non-profit organisations
- educational, cultural, research and scientific organisations
- euroregions
Funding: up to 90% of total eligible costs of a project. Beneficiaries shall have the possibility to receive an advance for project implementation.
Types of implemented projects:
- Integrated projects in which each partner performs part of the project actions in the limits of his respective territory
- Symmetric projects in which similar actions are performed on both sides of the border
- Projects mainly implemented on the part of one state but displaying impact also in partner states or state
Principal qualifying criteria of projects:
- the project must include cross-border cooperation above EU border i.e. must be jointly filed by beneficiaries from Poland and/or Lithuania and Russia
- the project must be implemented in the programmes support area whereas the investment activities (infrastructure) may be performed solely on the main area of support
- the total value of financed action in adjacent regions may not exceed 20% of the total budget of the programme
- integrated projects will be prioritised
Partnership in the project:
- Prior to the submission of an application, all the partners will select amongst themselves a leading partner for each project
- The leading partner shall submit the application to JTS, sign the grant contract with the Joint Managing Authority and shall be legally and financially responsible for project implementation.
The lead partner defines the relations with partners participating in the project in the partnership agreement which stipulates, among others, the principles guaranteeing the correct financial management of funds assigned to project implementation, the transfer of funds between partners and the provisions related to the recovery of amounts unduly paid.
Procedures of granting funding:
The procedures applicable to the issue of grants shall consist of principles related to the conclusion of agreements within the scope of the European Union's external activities i.e. in compliance with the Practical Guide to contract procedures for European Communities external actions, the so-called PRAG.
Procedures for the submission of applications and conclusion of contracts:
Invitation to submit applications
Detailed information on the conducted acceptance of projects will be contained on the Guidelines for applicants (method of filling out the application form, additional documents, etc.). The collection of projects will last a minimum of 90 days from the moment of project collection announcement.
Applicants may place inquiries related to the collection of applications at latest 21 days prior to the final deadline for application submission. Responses will be provided at latest by the 11th day prior to the deadline for application submission.
Only projects that receive the minimum required number of points will be recommended for funding.
Scheme of fund transfer
Structures responsible for the implementation of the Lithuania-Poland-Russia Cooperation Programme 2007-2013
- Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC)
- Joint Managing Authority (JMA): Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (Department of Certification and Designation)
- Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) located in the state budget unit of the Centre of European Projects in Warsaw
- JTS Branch Offices in Olsztyn, Vilnius and Kaliningrad
Joint Managing Authority
Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
Department of Certification and Designation
Wspolna 2/4 St.
00-926 Warsaw
Tel. 0-22 273 74 50
Fax 0-22 273 89 06