"He, who wants to rule people should not rush them before him but make them follow"
Charles-Louis de Secondat de Montesquieu
Efficient organization management requires a certain level of solicitude and the ability to manage resources, especially human capital.
We realize the fact that employee's knowledge, skill and involvement competence are of the highest value. By utilizing the various potential aspects of individual employees, we try to create an atmosphere of respect, motivation and teamwork: an atmosphere, where paying attention to detail and quality of work is rewarded, an atmosphere concentrating on the creative process of management, ensuring proper and efficient realization of goals with a high level of effectiveness.
We take an individual approach to the development of our employees. They all have different plans, ambitions and development needs, different qualifications and level of goal achievement. We hope to create such working conditions for them that will include their responsibilities, which will help utilize their potential, experience and plans for the future. In order to do so, we shall utilize the human resources management process, enabling both better execution of the new employees recruitment process, described in detail in "Centrum Projektów Europejskich Employee Recruitment Regulations", as well as training program, aimed at teaching new and improving the already existing competences of our employees.
Moreover, a periodic employee evaluation process shall help verify existing employee qualifications and their effectiveness within the framework of assigned goals and obligations.
When managing human resources, we pay a lot of attention to teamwork, as well as innovation in using work tools to aid one's everyday duties, increase efficiency and effectiveness of undertaken activities. Our organizational culture also includes the respect for diverse employee potential - we hire both graduates of various studies, as well as experienced professionals. Diversity also means the presence of people from various different countries, cultures, generations, environments with different skills and experience. An innovative approach to human resources management supports the process of maintaining balance between private and professional life, our employees also value our open door policy, favoring efficient problem solution and goal achievement.
When planning and executing our human resources management strategy, we are always guided by rules of positive psychology. By trying to make our actions be accompanied by positive emotions, positively affecting the atmosphere at a workplace, we use the competence potential of each employee, while at the same time supporting and appreciating his involvement in everyday work, helping achieve goals that stand before him.