To facilitate the management of financial resources provided by the European Union which consequently leads to the improvement of the effectiveness of the absorption of the funds, the Minister of Regional Development decided to establish an institution that would be capable of achieving that goal.
Accordingly, on 1 January 2009, pursuant to Ordinance no. 16 of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development dated 15 December 2008, a state-budget unit called the Center of European Projects was established, hereinafter referred to as the "CENTER".
The Center reports to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and completes tasks entrusted by the Minister in the area of implementing programs of the European Territorial Co-operation (ETC), the European Instrument of Neighborhood and Partnership (EINP), Human Capital - Operational Program (HC-OP) and other tasks co-financed out of the EU funds.
The main objective will be achieved through the following detailed tasks:
- providing conceptual and administrative support to the institutions engaged in carrying out operational programs of the Cross-border Co-operation and Interregional Co-operation as part of the programs of the European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) and the European Instrument of Neighborhood and Partnership (EINP)
- completing the tasks of the National Centre of the European Social Fund (NC-ESF) and the National Supporting Institution for the Human Capital Operational Program (NSIHC-OP)
- developing, implementing and initiating organizational and systemic solutions with respect to the programs under completion
- supporting other institutions in the process of implementing European programs and projects based on executed agreements.
In the process of completing the tasks mentioned above, the Center:
- follows rules and procedures governing the completion of individual programs and determined in documents applicable to a given program
- works with competent organizational units of the office rendering services to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development.
The Director appointed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development is the head of the Center.
The Center's activities are financed out of the state budget (section 34 - the Regional Development). The Center's Director is the third-degree administrator of state budget funds who reports to the Chief Administrator. The Center's financial management is based on the financial plan approved pursuant to the binding regulations. The Center provides reporting required of state-budget units.