The National Supporting Institution for the Human Capital Operational Program was established for the purpose of supporting the implementation of innovative projects and supranational cooperation within the framework of the Human Capital Operational Program 2007 - 2013, co-financed from the European Social Fund.
Innovative projects consist of ventures whose purpose is to search for new and more effective methods of solving problems within the support areas of the ESF. Thanks to supranational cooperation, partners implementing such projects gain the opportunity to achieve better and increasingly innovative solutions.
The main tasks of NSI include:
- expertise-based support for institutions and entities implementing projects (including the organisation of an expert system)
- training and consulting support for agency institutions, experts, project authors and project implementers
- preparation of uniform standards for project evaluation (inclusive of guidelines and manuals)
- support of promotional tasks of agency and implementing institutions (including a contest for the best social innovations)
- preparation of an information package (brochures, flyers, informational bulleting, Internet portal)
- support of National and Regional Thematic Networks
- monitoring of the compliance with innovation and supranational cooperation principles (preparation of analyses and reports).